Globus Cryptocurrency Platform

Our team has designed and developed the Globus cryptocurrency platform, a dynamic solution for users to restake, unstake, and earn money securely and efficiently.

Responsibility areas

In cooperation with Globus team, M-One has been responsible for

Logo and Brandbook

Product management

Architecture design

Website design and development

DevOps processes

Wallet Integration

Interaction with smart contracts

Token Management

Fetching On-Chain Data

User Authentication vie their wallets

Gas Management

… and many more


Engineers involved


Total hours spent


Tasks completed

Key Features

Liquid Restaking & Free Leverage

Users can restake their Ethereum (ETH), receive glETH, and leverage their position without interest. This system is optimized for easy management of assets within decentralized finance.

Maximized Yield

Through a well-structured interface, users can deposit their liquid restaking tokens (LRTs), borrow stablecoins (glUSD), and reinvest them to grow their returns.

User Experience

We focused on creating a sleek, intuitive, and highly responsive interface, making it accessible for crypto experts and beginners alike. The platform is optimized for all devices and is designed to handle complex transactions in a simplified manner.

Graphic Design

We created an engaging visual identity for the platform that reflects the cutting-edge technology of cryptocurrency. The look is futuristic and clean, ensuring that the brand stands out in the market.

UI/UX Design

By ensuring an effortless and enjoyable user journey, we made it easier for users to interact with the complex operations of restaking, borrowing, and earning on the platform.

Our Team’s Role

Front-End Development

We’ve built a decentralized application that allows users to manage their cryptocurrency assets, interact with smart contracts, and perform secure transactions in a completely decentralized manner. This reduces reliance on third-party services and ensures transparency.

Smart Contract Interactions

The dApp enables users to interact with smart contracts for comprehensive asset management. Users can: Create and manage vessels (digital asset containers), Top up or withdraw collateral, Repay debt either fully or partially. These operations ensure users have full control over their assets and liabilities on the blockchain.

Wallet Integration

We’ve integrated RainbowKit and Wagmi for seamless wallet connectivity, allowing users to easily connect their wallets to the dApp and manage their assets securely.


The dApp’s frontend is built using React with Material UI and Tailwind CSS for a sleek, responsive user interface. React Router ensures smooth navigation throughout the application.

Real-Time Data Fetching

We’ve utilized Apollo Client to fetch data from the subgraph, ensuring real-time updates on asset prices and vessel statuses. This guarantees that users always have the most up-to-date information when managing their assets.

Blockchain Integration

We leveraged Wagmi and Viem for seamless interaction with the Ethereum blockchain, enabling secure and efficient on-chain operations.

State Management & Queries

To manage state and handle data fetching, we implemented Apollo Client. This integration allows us to efficiently query the blockchain and ensure the application’s state is always in sync with the latest data.

Smart Contract Interactions

The dApp enables users to interact with smart contracts for comprehensive asset management. Users can:
Create and manage vessels (digital asset containers),
Top up or withdraw collateral,
Repay debt either fully or partially.
These operations ensure users have full control over their assets and liabilities on the blockchain.

Wallet Integration

We’ve integrated RainbowKit and Wagmi for seamless wallet connectivity, allowing users to easily connect their wallets to the dApp and manage their assets securely.


The dApp’s frontend is built using React with Material UI and Tailwind CSS for a sleek, responsive user interface. React Router ensures smooth navigation throughout the application.

Real-Time Data Fetching

We’ve utilized Apollo Client to fetch data from the subgraph, ensuring real-time updates on asset prices and vessel statuses. This guarantees that users always have the most up-to-date information when managing their assets.

Blockchain Integration

We leveraged Wagmi and Viem for seamless interaction with the Ethereum blockchain, enabling secure and efficient on-chain operations.

State Management & Queries

To manage state and handle data fetching, we implemented Apollo Client. This integration allows us to efficiently query the blockchain and ensure the application’s state is always in sync with the latest data.

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Aram Sahradyan

In the IT industry, speed and innovation drive success. Disrupt, innovate, and scale swiftly to stay ahead in the fast-paced digital landscape.
